Terms of Use
By using EasyPaste.org, you agree to the following terms and conditions:
- The service provided by EasyPaste.org involves storing your files and transferring files to users specified by you. The logo, name and trademarks of EasyPaste.org are protected by law.
- The EasyPaste.org administrator reserves the rights to make amendments and changes in this Terms of Use.
- The EasyPaste.org administrator is not liable for the operation of the service and files placed on it. However, we make effort to run the service properly and smoothly.
- The administrator has rights to delete files without prior notice to the owners of files.
- All files uploaded on the server have assigned date and IP address of anyone posting a file.
- Files with pornographic contents or contents that break the law or copyrights will be removed, and their placement on the server is prohibited.
- Files that do not generate any traffic will be deleted from the server.
- Users violating Terms of Use may have limited access to the resources, and in the case of excessive violation of our terms - they may be punished .